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2024 Summer Enrichment Series: You Are A Data Person

This year's event will take place on August 2, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. at University of Maryland - College Park

We are honored to have Dr. Amelia Parnell, the book's author and the current Vice President for Policy Research and Advocacy at the National Association of Students Affairs Professionals (NASPA), to serve as our facilitator for this workshop. 

As with all Maryland AIR events, this event is FREE for current members. For non-members, the event is $25 for fees associated with the cost of the event. Current students (not currently employed full-time at an institution) may attend for a reduced rate.


Welcome to MdAIR

The Maryland Association for Institutional Research (MdAIR) is a Maryland-based organization of institutional research and assessment professionals who work at the public and private institutions of higher education in Maryland.

We are the local affiliate of the Northeast Association for Institutional Research and the national Association for Institutional Research, and have over 150 active members registered members across Maryland, with a few from Virginia, Pennsylvania, Delaware, and the District of Columbia.


The mission of the Maryland Association for Institutional Research (MDAIR) is a member-driven organization devoted to promoting excellence in the field of institutional research at all institutions of higher learning in Maryland. MDAIR focuses on facilitating the professional development of our members by promoting best practices and ensuring integrity in institutional research.


We support the diversity of our members and welcome individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and skills. We respect the variety of roles played by postsecondary educational institutions in our state. We are committed to the open exchange of ideas.

Become a Member

New members are welcome to join at any time!

Member benefits include:

  • Registration at no cost for events such as the Fall Conference and Spring Institute, hosted by MdAIR.
  • Member only resources on the Association website, including agendas, presentations, and materials from past presentations.
  • Eligibility to vote in annual elections.

Upcoming events

Connect with colleagues from across the state of Maryland (and beyond!) at our Annual Fall Conference and Spring Institute. 

Maryland Association for Institutional Research
4423 Lehigh RD Suite 337  |  College Park, MD 20740
© Maryland AIR 

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