Maryland AIR Awards

Best Paper Award

To promote Maryland research, a Best Paper Award is bestowed annually to the MdAIR member(s) for the best presentation at the MdAIR Fall Conference.  The Awards Committee determines the most deserving recipient.  The award provides the recipient the opportunity to present the paper again at the next AIR Forum with the recognition as MdAIR's Best Paper.

MdAIR will reimburse the cost of registration to the AIR Forum to defray expenses to attend the AIR Forum.

Evaluation Rubric

In addition, AIR is currently providing additional travel funds for the MdAIR Award recipient through an AIR Affiliated Organization (AO) Forum Travel Grant.  The recipient may be eligible for reimbursed travel expenses up to the cost of the AIR registration (matching fund of the MdAIR momentary award).  See

Best Paper Award Winners

2016: Courtney Sanders & Nicholas Curtis

2015: Catherine Andersen

2014: Jacob Ashby

2013: Wayne Taliaferro

Marilyn Brown Distinguished Service Award

This distinguished service award is bestowed upon a MdAIR member for recognition of outstanding service to the field of institutional research in general and to MdAIR in particular.  The award, named in honor of Marilyn Brown, one of the founding members, is bestowed by the Awards Committee whenever appropriate to recognize members who have demonstrated a long and exemplary service to the organization.

Information in MdAIR Bylaws

Distinguished Service Award Winners

2016: Vinnie Maruggi

2010: Dan McConochie

2006: Michelle Appel

2004: Gayle Fink

2000: Kathy Farmsworth

1994: Craig Clagett

1992: Marilyn Brown (posthumously)

Who To Contact

If you have any questions about Maryland AIR awards, please feel free to any member of the Board of Directors.

Maryland Association for Institutional Research
4423 Lehigh RD Suite 337  |  College Park, MD 20740 

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