Maryland Association for Institutional Research (MdAIR) Mission

The Maryland Association for Institutional Research (MDAIR) is a member-driven organization devoted to promoting excellence in the field of institutional research at all institutions of higher learning in Maryland. MDAIR focuses on facilitating the professional development of our members by promoting best practices and ensuring integrity in institutional research.


We support the diversity of our members and welcome individuals with different backgrounds, experiences, and skills. We respect the variety of roles played by postsecondary educational institutions in our state. We are committed to the open exchange of ideas.

Core Functions

Central to the fulfillment of our mission are the following core functions:

1. Provide high quality, relevant, and timely professional development opportunities for members at all career levels.

2. Assist members in developing a strong professional network with their colleagues in Maryland and across the higher education research community.

3. Promote the role of institutional research in improving the performance of colleges and universities in Maryland.

4. Inform members on national trends in institutional research and higher education in general.

Governance Documents 

MdAIR Bylaws (updated October 2020)

Articles of Incorporation

Executive Committee Charter

Governance and Finance Committee Charter

Conflict of Interest Policy

Professional Development and Awards Committee

Historic Records

Past Presidents

Past Board of Directors

Maryland Association for Institutional Research
4423 Lehigh RD Suite 337  |  College Park, MD 20740 

© Maryland AIR

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