The Maryland Association for Institutional Research is excited to announce the new 2024 Spring Symposium!
Traditionally, this time of the year we would be announcing the return of the MdAIR Spring Institute. As the needs of our membership haves changed, we seek to provide responsive programming for our members. As such, we are slightly changing our Spring format to provide opportunities to highlight the research, innovation, and best-practices that are happening at our member institutions, across the State and the surrounding areas. We are excited to announce the newly reimagined Spring Symposium.
This year's Symposium will take place on May 3, 2024 from 8:30 a.m. until 3:30 p.m. at Chesapeake College. The college is located at 1000 College Circle, Wye Mills, MD 21679. Parking will be located in Lot A, you will need to travel all the way around the college to get to the lot. A campus map can be found here.
Building: Health Professions & Athletics Center (HPAC)
Room: 127
We are foregoing a specific theme this year in order to provide the opportunity for members to submit presentation proposals from a variety of areas of the work that we do, allowing for more innovation and engagement. We are still planning to provide many of the staples you know and love from the previous Spring Institutes, like the annual legislative update.
2024 Spring Symposium Keynote Speaker:
Dr. Tait Kellogg will be delivering the Keynote Address at the Spring Symposium. Her presentation is titled How to Build a Data Culture at Your Institution.
Higher education leaders increasingly see the benefits of empowering staff across the institution to make data-informed decisions. Yet, getting data out of a spreadsheet and into the meetings where decisions are being made takes strategic vision, buy-in, and data literacy. In short, it takes changing people – and (perhaps you’ve noticed?) people can be hard to change. Join our keynote speaker, Dr. Tait Kellogg, as she talks about strategic steps for building an institution-wide data culture.
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Current Agenda:
8:30am - Registration and Breakfast
8:55am - Welcome and Introduction
9:00am - Keynote Presentation: How to Build a Data Culture at Your Institution
Dr. Tait Kellogg; Consulting Project Manager
10:00am - Session 1: Annual Legislative Update
Irnande Altema; Associate VP of Government and Business Affairs, MICUA
Derrick Coley; Director of Legislative Affairs, MHEC
Brad Phillips; Executive Director, MACC
10:50am - Session 2: Sharing The Data Love
Michelle Appel; Assistant Vice President, University of Maryland College Park
Megan Masters; Director of Academic Technologies Experience, University of Maryland College Park
11:40am - Session 3: Measuring and Enhancing Data Culture: Insights from APLU’s Data Maturity Index
Katie Boyle; Data and Policy Analysis Associate, APLU
Denise Nadasen; Assist VP of Institutional Data and Analytics, APLU
12:10pm - Lunch and Networking
12:55pm - Session 4: Implementing a University-Wide Institutional Effectiveness Initiative
Karen Matthews; Director of Strategic Planning & Assessment, UMB
Gregory Spengler; Associate Vice President of Institutional Effectiveness, UMB
Lynn Chen; Director of Evaluation, School of Nursing, UMB
Lisa Lebovitz; Assist Dean of Academic Affairs & Assessment, UMB
1:50pm - Session 5: Faculty Engagement Drives High Survey Response Rates at Johns Hopkins (Power Talk)
Teresa Wonnell; Director of Undergraduate Student Analytics, JHU
2:10pm - Session 6: Innovation Panel Discussion
Cheryl Rollins; Director of Institutional Research, Morgan State University
Gregg Bricca; Director of Institutional Effectiveness, Carroll Community College
Daniel Sisco; Director of Institutional Research, Lehigh University
2:55pm - Session 7: Data on Community College Websites: What Information is Publicly Available?
Tracy Bacon; Assistant Director, College of Southern Maryland
3:30pm - Closing Remarks
We welcome all former, current, and prospective members to attend the event. Please note that the event is FREE for current members. For non-members, the event is $75, and that includes membership for the remainder of the year and free attendance to any summer events that may happen.
If you have any questions, please reach out to and a member of the Board will be happy to assist you with any comments or concerns that you might have. Please feel free to share this with any colleagues that you think might be interested.
We look forward to seeing all of you at the Spring Symposium!